Architecture, Religious

Abbasi Great Mosque



The Abbasi Great Mosque, also known as the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, is a magnificent architectural marvel located in the heart of Isfahan, Iran. This mosque has a rich history that spans over a thousand years and is considered one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in the world. With its intricate tile work, stunning minarets, and massive dome, the Abbasi Great Mosque is a must-visit attraction for anyone traveling to Isfahan. In this comprehensive post, we will explore the history, significance, and unique features of this world-renowned mosque.

Table of Contents

A Journey Through Islamic Architecture: The Abbasi Great Mosque

Nestled in the heart of Isfahan, Iran lies one of the grandest and most magnificent mosques in the world – the Abbasi Great Mosque. This mosque stands tall as a beacon of Islamic heritage, showcasing the most breathtaking example of Islamic architecture in the region. It’s history dates back to the 17th century, and even after centuries, it continues to be a vital part of the city’s cultural identity. In this post, we’lll dive into the captivating past, present and peculiarities of the Abbasi Great Mosque.

8 Brief Facts about Abbasi Great Mosque in Isfahan:

  1. One of the largest and oldest mosques in Iran
  2. Built during the Safavid dynasty in the 17th century
  3. Boasts a unique mix of traditional Persian and Islamic architecture
  4. Houses one of the tallest minarets in Iran, measuring at over 60 meters
  5. Contains a vast central courtyard and numerous smaller courtyards and buildings
  6. Houses a collection of intricate tilework, calligraphy, and other forms of Islamic art
  7. Has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012
  8. Plays a significant role in the history and culture of Isfahan and Iran.


The resplendent Abbasi Great Mosque was birthed by the command of Shah Sultan Hussein of the Safavid dynasty in the late 17th century. It was crafted by the talented and celebrated architect Sheikh Bahai, who was also the mastermind behind several other magnificent structures in the area. The mosque was initially built as a house of worship and a gathering place for the local community to convene for prayer and sacred rituals.

Describing the Abbasi Great Mosque

The Abbasi Great Mosque in Isfahan flaunts an imposing and majestic appearance, adorned with intricate tile work, towering minarets, and a massive central dome. Its exterior showcases a harmonious mixture of turquoise and blue tiles, creating a spellbinding visual experience. The entrance opens to a grand courtyard surrounded by arches and columns, and the interior is embellished with delicate stucco carvings, intricate tile work, and calligraphic inscriptions. The main prayer hall is characterized by its massive central dome, which sits atop a series of smaller domes and is sustained by pendentives. The mosque’s minarets reach for the sky, offering a stunning backdrop to the complex. The Abbasi Great Mosque is a true gem of Persian Islamic architecture, thanks to its breathtaking architectural features.


One of the most well-known and noteworthy examples of Islamic architecture may be seen in the Abbasi Great Mosque. Its style perfectly captures the magnificence and refinement of 17th-century Islamic civilization. The mosque is especially well-known for its enormous central dome, which is flanked by smaller domes and arches and offers tourists an impressive perspective. It is one of the city’s sights that gets photographed the most as a result.

Unique Features

One of the most distinctive and impressive aspects of the Abbasi Great Mosque is the tile work. The mosque’s walls, domes, and arches are covered in delicate and exquisite tile work that is regarded as some of the best in Iran. A number of spectacular iwans, or halls, that are open to the central courtyard and serve as a reminder of conventional Persian architecture can also be found in the mosque. In warmer weather, these iwans can offer a cool and cozy haven.


Beautifully constructed in the Islamic style, the Abbasi Great Mosque is still a significant landmark in Isfahan. It acts as a reminder of the region’s rich history and an inspiration for individuals who travel there. The Abbasi Great Mosque is a must-see location in Isfahan whether you are a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply a lover of beauty.


  1. What is the Abbasi Great Mosque?
    The Abbasi Great Mosque is a magnificent mosque located in the heart of Isfahan, Iran.
  2. How old is the Abbasi Great Mosque?
    The mosque was built over a thousand years ago, and is considered one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in the world.
  3. What is the significance of the Abbasi Great Mosque?
    The mosque is considered one of the holiest sites in Iran and is an important place of worship for Shia Muslims.
  4. Can non-Muslims visit the Abbasi Great Mosque?
    Yes, the mosque is open to visitors of all backgrounds and beliefs.
  5. What makes the Abbasi Great Mosque unique?
    The mosque is known for its intricate tile work, stunning minarets, and massive dome, which make it one of the most beautiful mosques in the world.
  6. How big is the Abbasi Great Mosque?
    The mosque is considered one of the largest mosques in the world, and covers an area of over 20,000 square meters.


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